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Welcome to IPI's online registration


Welcome to the online registration system for the 2018 International Parking Institute Conference & Expo in Orlando, Florida.

We're excited that you're joining us for this year's annual conference boasting more than 50 technical/educational sessions, three General Sessions including our Parking Solutions Competition and Awards Recognition Ceremony, peer-to-peer Shoptalks, hands-on facility tours, social activities and evening mixers and endless amounts of networking opportunities. If you're looking for more in-depth or focused educational options, consider enrolling in one of our pre-conference courses or adding one of our conference enhancement workshops to kick off your week. 

This registration system will allow for quick, easy, accurate registration in a few simple steps. To begin the process, please click start below and enter the email associated with your membership. If you have questions and can't find your answers in one of the FAQ sections of the site, please contact us.

BRING THREE OR MORE COLLEAGUES & SAVE $100. IPI members receive significant discounts on registration for the 2018 IPI Conference and Expo, and much more!  Visit us at to find out if your organization is a member and to make sure all of your employees are added to the roster so they can receive the member rate also!
*Group discount applies to full registrations only 

EXHIBITOR REGISTRATION: If you are an exhibitor, please use the Exhibit Service Center to register your booth personnel/staff.

SPEAKER REGISTRATION: If you are conference speaker, you will receive instructions regarding registration through the Speaker Service Center.



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