Get Prepared Early & Connect with the IPI Conference & Expo Community!
Our comprehensive app is designed to help you search, select, seek, and connect with your peers both before, during and long after the conference is over.
With the IPI Conference & Expo mobile app, you can:
This year’s Official Conference Program Guide will be lighter than normal – that’s because we’ve moved a lot of the content over to the mobile app to make it easier for you. Experience the event to the fullest and start personalizing your experience today!
The mobile app is available from the iTunes or Google Play stores by searching for “IPI2018” or use the QR codes below.
When prompted, please allow notifications from the app. The app is password protected. After downloading, enter your email address and the password that was provided in the mobile app email you received or in your registration confirmation.
Apple QR Code |
Android QR Code |
Logged in successfully? Great! Take a moment and fill in your profile, so that others can find out more about you and your experience. If you’re a speaker or exhibitor, this is a great opportunity to showcase your expertise and open up new avenues for networking and engagement.
Profile filled out? Now you have full access to all the tools you need to create your own conference experience! You can use the website and the app interchangeably, so any changes you make stay with your account. Start filling out your agenda and begin reaching out to your peers so you can stay connected!